Since I’m almost the last person on the planet to see the Sex and the City movie I’m not sure why I’m writing this – my own amusement maybe. The New York gals, Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda return to the big screen with the various hangers-on in their lives to tie up a few loose ends.  Honestly I thought it was all just a bit too happy.  Sure it had its upsets along the way and that moment they tried to make you think it was all turning out horribly but you just knew the ending was going to be happy.

The film had its quantity of frocks and shoes and the handbag moments you’d expect and threw in a living channel decluttering episode for a twist. Still, it was a little tired around the edges.  The one breath of fresh air was Louise from St Louis and even that they ruined with just a few too many St Louise jokes.  As much as I’d looked forward to it I felt they should’ve left it at the end of the TV series.